We may be having great November weather, but don’t be fooled– winter is just around the corner! With the change in temperature also comes a drop in humidity and this can spell disaster for curly/kinky naturals (and our straight-hair sisters alike). For most of us, drier air = drier hair, and if there’s one thing that’s paramount to your tresses surviving the harsh winter chill, it’s a solid moisturizing routine.

Be sure to follow the three simple steps below to make for a foolproof moisture-boosting hair regimen all winter long.

Step 1:

Use a leave-in conditioner after your shampoo and conditioner.

Step 2:

Comb through a light gel or curl defining cream.

Step 3:

Mix your favourite sealant with a natural oil for Moisture.


Easy? Absolutely. The key, however, is to be consistent. Remember ladies, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and just as hair damage doesn’t happen overnight, neither does the journey to healthier, stronger hair. With patience and diligence, your results will pay off.

Do you have a tried and true go-to moisturizing routine for winter? Share it with us in the comments!



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